25th International EVSSAR Congress - European Society Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR 2024)

Sandra Goericke-Pesch

Prof. Dr. Sandra Goericke-Pesch studied veterinary medicine in Gießen, Germany and started working there at the university hospital in the field of small and large animal reproduction. Following a doctoral thesis about stallion semen and fertility, she wrote her habilitation on the use of slow release GnRH agonist implants in dogs and cats. Additionally, Prof. Goericke-Pesch completed her German and European specialization in reproduction, becoming a EBVS-certified specialist (Dipl. ECAR). After working at the university of Copenhagen, Denmark as associate. professor, she became a full professor for reproduction of dogs and cats at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany. Her research interests are male infertility, uterine inertia and contraception.