25th International EVSSAR Congress - European Society Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR 2024)

Miguel Ángel Díaz Sánchez

  • After leading his own practice for more than 25 years, Miguel Angel Diaz founded the company New Way Coaching www.newwaycoaching.es
  • International Certified Coach by ICC and Center for Executive Coaching (USA)
  • Instructor and co-author of the Veterinary Practice Management Course of Veterinary Management Academia VMA www.vmacademia.com
  • Instructor and co-author of the Communication Skills for the Consultation room (in Spanish www.coach4vets.com
  • Miguel is author of the book “7 Keys to successfully running a Veterinary PracticeCo-author of the Book “Gestión de la Clínica Veterinaria”
  • Member of the International Assotiation for Communication in Healthcare EACH.